A book that I would love to write

If I had to write a book, I would probably pick to write about the overall benefits of vegetarian diets. I  feel that there are so many books written that describe the positive effects of vegetarian diets only if you exclude meat and animal products completely. Individuals can reap the benefits of a plant-based diet even if they consume meat and animal products from time to time, but incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diets. Some vegetarian authors write in a way that makes readers feel that if they can’t become a complete vegan, then they shouldn’t even bother changing their eating habits and lifestyle. They explain the harmful effects of meat and how damaging it is to your health, but neglect to explain that even if meat consumption is reduced an individual can possibly bypass a lot of the health issues associated with meat/animal products. Some vegetarian books that I have read left me with an all or nothing mentality. It really doesn’t have to be like that because there are studies that show that just reducing the consumption of animal products alone  decreases chronic illness risk. I feel that vegetarian diet books would be more successfull if they appealed to more people and were realistic in their approach.

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1 Response to A book that I would love to write

  1. I like that you would write a book about the benefits of vegetarian diets. I am interested in vegetarian diets because many people that I know are either vegetarian or vegan. I also feel like they say that there are positives and negatives to any type of diet. If you ever do write a book about this I would love to read it!!

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